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APHS: La jodida crisis

Siempre que se hable de Crisis es porque a Estados Unidos le salió algo mal y México se las ve negras… a pesar de tantos años de fraternidad aun nos consolidamos en las crisis… Aun si México se opone…


English Translate:

APH-S: The fucking Crisis (Mexico)

Whenever there is talk of crisis is because the U.S. came out something wrong and Mexico are seen black ... despite years of brotherhood we grow stronger still in crisis ... Even if Mexico is opposed

America: hey! mexico!
Mexico: (thinks) he wants the gringo now so early ...
America: I wanted you to know that others before yesterday that my chair broke a leg and fell even hit and it hurts me not to last because hopefully not pass over everything that was good
Mexico: (thinks) the devil takes me
Mexico: I just hope the pain does not last long ...